Polystyrene NIR References Transmission & ATR, Validity -3 Years

These traceable reference materials can be used to qualify Mid IR – FTIR spectrophotometers for wavelength accuracy over an operating range of 540 cm-1 to 3125 cm-1 (3.2 µm to 18.5 µm). One version of the product can also be used to qualify the resolution of a Mid IR instrument as required by some pharmacopoeias and for the wavelength qualification of ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) measurements in the Mid-IR. Another version has additional certified peaks in the NIR region.2 Certified 38micron Polystyrene Films – Transmission & ATR


These traceable reference materials can be used to qualify Mid IR – FTIR spectrophotometers for wavelength accuracy over an operating range of 540 cm-1 to 3125 cm-1 (3.2 µm to 18.5 µm). One version of the product can also be used to qualify the resolution of a Mid IR instrument as required by some pharmacopoeias and for the wavelength qualification of ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) measurements in the Mid-IR. Another version has additional certified peaks in the NIR region.2 Certified 38micron Polystyrene Films – Transmission & ATR